I often feel that the topic on Heat Energy is rather straightforward to understand. However, it's not as easy to answer questions when tested in examinations.
Here's some key pointers that might help in tackling the questions:
1. Heat is a form of energy.
It is not a form of matter! (recall definition of matter)
does not have mass
does not occupy space
2. Air is a poor conductor of heat.
Air gains heat and expands --> occupy more space
Air loses heat and contracts --> occupy less space
3. Good and poor conductor of heat
don't use words like "bad conductor of heat"
4. Compare the degree of hotness to understand the amount of heat gained/lost.
Consider if you placed a metal spoon into:
a cup filled with ice cubes
a cup of cold water (16 degree celcius)
room with a temperature of 25 degree celcius
hot water
5. Heat travels from hotter region to cooler region
6. Understand that when an object gains/loses heat when comes into contact with:
other objects
your hand (when you touch it)
surrounding air
I've also created notes that consists of the key pointers for the topic on Heat Energy.
Hope it helps!